Henry’s Gallery Inspires ZMM Readers

From a multitude of bloglines search cross-hits I picked-up this metafilter link.

This is a small world, full of small worlds, each full of … etc.

Amazing how each thinks it is the first to find something (anything). Takes us back to the nothing new under the sun theme, and particularly the conceit of believing in invention [after Mitch Ratcliffe]

Emergent Management

I thought emergence was going to be last year’s word, but it looks like it’s going to arrive this year at last.

It’s been a thread on MoQ Discuss recently and I find this post from Seb Paquet too.

Recipes for success are always doomed, in management just as anywhere else in life. Success is emergent from a process, involving support and tension; it’s not a state in itself. Pure Dynamic Quality in Pirsig’s MoQ terms.

Support and tension ? I’m getting tightrope-walking, falling then flying, I’m getting Douglas Adams, Nietzsche and Pirsig all in one go.

I’m also getting the “immigrant tailors” story as a recipe for success … Nobel prize-winning George Wald quote [after Pinker].

Some goodies from Jack Vinson.

The CIA World Factbook [via McGee’s Musings][via Jack Vinson] (The UK is a “money laundering center” – which is nice. Apparently Northern Ireland doesn’t count as an international territorial dispute – which is also nice. !!)
The US declaration of Independence [via McGee’s Musings][via Jack Vinson]
The Value of Certainty, from Jack. Like it.
Personal Knowledge Management, also from Jack
Play & Humour are the most important forms of work. [from Rebecca Ryan]
Organisation design is about What You Know.