Catholic Teaching

A recurring theme that wise consideration of governance often turns to catholicism. Here business and policy management looking for social ethical rules in catholic teachings; referencing Aristotle, Aquinas, etc, but it’s more than that I believe. Just a holding post for the story reference.

Theme Update Needed

I see the side-bar archive links have all failed … no plug-in update seems to fix it, been unable to find alternative plug-in which gives me both the yearly and monthly collapsability with individual posts visible at the monthly level. Still can’t. Also need to sort out recent post / recent comment links. Still Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn integration via all seem to work fine, and Clicky seems to be a success, so I’ll drop the failed SiteMeter I guess – still counts, but no longer gives reports.

Ho hum. I guess I need to find a new all-singing all-dancing theme with all the necessary widgets built-in. That’ll be a weekend to set aside one day soon.