Salman Rushdie’s “Knife” and Pirsig’s “Quality”

Rushdie’s been touring the media shows trailing his latest book “Knife” recounting the story of and recovery from the disfiguring stabbing attempt on his life in New York back in August 2022. I would at some point get round to reading it, when my writing priorities are behind me, I’ve read and reviewed most of … Continue reading “Salman Rushdie’s “Knife” and Pirsig’s “Quality””

Victory City – Salman Rushdie

Don’t know why but I can’t stop Tom Petty’s “Century City” memeing around in my head, but picked this up from The Guisborough Bookshop today. Added to my collection. May need to take priority over the reading list, or maybe hold until our upcoming city break? [Post Note: Fullest review and links to other references … Continue reading “Victory City – Salman Rushdie”

Rushdie’s Windmills – All Too Real?

A strange month – more like 6 weeks – with only a single post, thanks to some new exciting work I’ve been getting into, and in which I will continue to be buried for some months if not years to come. I’ll share what I can – confidences permitting. [Aside – Last weekend, Sat and … Continue reading “Rushdie’s Windmills – All Too Real?”

Latest from @SalmanRushdie @neilhimself

Not really a review, because much has been written already, and given Rushdie’s own high standards, Two Years, Eight Months and Twenty Eight Nights was something of a disappointment. Suffice to say: Definitely playful and ingenious, language and content-wise, and the usual mix of fairy-story and ethnic-religious history, full of cultural references between Bombay and New Amsterdam. … Continue reading “Latest from @SalmanRushdie @neilhimself”

Salman Rushdie

Just finished Salman Rushdie’s “The Ground Beneath Her Feet”. Good but not his best. A Rock’n’Roll version of the Orphic myth ending with a Lennonesque celebrity murder. (That’s not a spoiler because the cover blurb already makes it clear that only the heroic narrator survives.) Perhaps Rushdie is not quite hip enough for the rock’n’roll, … Continue reading “Salman Rushdie”

Reading Rushdie

Been away from blogging for a week, spending a week at a business development and golf sales conference in Koh Samui, Thailand. Beautiful location, fun time. Flying back, Bangkok to London, I continued to read Salman Rushdie’s “Midnight’s Children”. 75% through, it’s a great read. Whacky style, funny, serious period of childish biographical Indian history … Continue reading “Reading Rushdie”

Hidden Pirsig Influences

Having started this blog in 2001 (a couple of days after 9/11) I’ve freely acknowledged, and made many references to, the fact that reading Robert Pirsig shortly after that in January 2002, was a game changer for me in terms of the direction of my research thinking, reading and writing. I’d started the research blog … Continue reading “Hidden Pirsig Influences”