XML Meta-Data – Daniel & Ann

RDF, XML Schema and XML Meta-Data
Ref : “Professional XML Meta Data” by Daniel Rivers-Moore, Ann Wrightson, et al pub WROX.
See RDF-Syntax
See RDF-Schema
ECM-Associations / Gellish-facts / ProcessML-Templates / Sentences(tm) / RDF-statements – common ground.

Chaos & Complexity in Public Organisations

AT LAST – Chaos and Complexity theories reach the public consciousness as issues for management of organisations.
BBC Radio 4 Today – Analyst looking at Health Service organisation identifies these issues as blockers to predictable behaviour.
Tiny inputs – Large unpredicted outcomes, yes, but equally
Enormous inputs – No predictable outcomes.
Relevant message – Buisness rules for information management must be held separately from purely logical / deterministic codings, because these rules may turn out to be “fuzzy”.

The Learning Machine

The Learning Machine Challenge
Spin off from the AI Forum

Management Information Systems Quarterly
Academic & Research Journal on MIS
Includes “Qualitative” scope amongst more traditional aspects.
Has Mike Myers (Uni of Auckland) on the editorial board.
Previously associated with Geoff Walsham (Judge Institute, Cambridge)

Technology is Useless

Remember A.C. Clarke’s 3 stages of reaction to technological breakthroughs:

(a) It’s completely impossible.
(b) OK, it’s possible, but it’s practically useless.
(c) Well, I said it was a good idea all along.

And Douglas Adams (Quoting Bran Ferren) – “Technology is the stuff that doesn’t work yet”

Windows XP

Living with Windows XP

XP: Released last week

BBC News Online’s Paul Rocks explains what it has been like living with an evaluation copy of Windows XP for the last couple of months.

(Text copy deleted)

My six weeks with XP have been pleasurable. No system crashes, no major problems and no phone-a-friend to sort out areas I don’t understand. Just the way it should be.