Josephson – Mind-Matter Unification

New thread from BCS to the Mind-Matter Unification ProjectBrian Josephson (Nobel Laureate) at Cavendish Labs, Cambridge Uni PhysicsMore Quantum Physics and Cognition stuff.Also a behavioural “chaos” example (?) of synchronisation in the Millennium Bridge problems.

A-Life & Quantum Computing

Ventrella – Artificial Life site,plus fractal art and a few philosphical goodies. BCS (British Computer Society) Cybernetics specialist groupSeries of interesting subject areas around Cognition and Quantum PhysicsQuotefrom State of the Art Report from Peter J. Marcer, chairman, dated 18/06/01This ability of qubits [Quantum Bits] to ‘register’ both 1 and 0 at the same time, … Continue reading “A-Life & Quantum Computing”