What your doctor doesn’t know could kill you

Boston Globe article on PKC (via Jorn)And Jorn’s page of Lawrence Weed’s Problem-Knowledge Couplers biographical links.Another interesting link from Jorn. A variation of the medical expert diagnostic system which, rather than following pre-structured diagnostic sequences of questions, suspends analysis until after asking many questions then seeks to find patterns and relationships. Interesting evidence of effectiveness, … Continue reading “What your doctor doesn’t know could kill you”

Minkow’s Fraudodynamics

I Was a Teenage Fraudster in the Guardian today.Barry Minkow eventually imprisoned for a major wall street fraud, is “poacher turned gamekeper”, interviewed on BBC Today this morning. Describes small mis-representations leading to larger frauds, and an environment of collusion within business, even including ostensibly “independant” auditors. Makes explicit reference to the big accountancy firms … Continue reading “Minkow’s Fraudodynamics”

Galbraith – Enron and the like Beyond Monitoring

Re-read the JK Galbraith article. (Blogged earlier)“[Corporations like Enron have] grown so complex that [they are] now almost beyond monitoring …. there was almost no criticism from the shareholders ? the owners, [until they collapsed.]”. Galbraith detects something of the conspiracy of silence he recounted so memorably in his book The Great Crash: 1929, first … Continue reading “Galbraith – Enron and the like Beyond Monitoring”

“Deliberate” Failure To See Facts

Deliberate failure to see the facts(Another link brought to us by Robot Wisdom.) Those of you following the threads winding through this Blog, can’t fail to have noticed my “Emperors Suit of Clothes” thread. The in-built cultural tendencies to not see the obvious, even to justify not seeing it. This is part of, or at … Continue reading ““Deliberate” Failure To See Facts”

Rationally Justifying The Criminal

Rationally justifying the CriminalCounterpunch article “Rotten to the Core” of 20th Feb (via RobotWisdom)Quote “We’re talking about fraud, corruption, pollution, price-fixing, occupational disease, and bribery. The Chicago [Law] School says these are “externalities” and related fines and penalties should simply be viewed as the “costs of doing business.” Unquote.Compare deLorean in particular and Argyris in … Continue reading “Rationally Justifying The Criminal”

Change and Flexibility – My Dissertation

Change and Flexibility – Attitudes and Organisational Culture Prepared my MBA Dissertation for HTML publication at last. It may be ten years old, but it’s the origin of many of my current threads. In fact this Blog carries on where Chapter 4 of the dissertation leaves business unfinished. A flexible “learning” organisation needs a “rational” … Continue reading “Change and Flexibility – My Dissertation”

Taking Stock

Taking Stock (Feb 2002) – Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Well at last I’ve read it …. and Wow ! – I am that man. Reading it 15 (or even 25) years ago could have saved a lot of effort. Still, better to travel than to arrive – No ? Well, … Continue reading “Taking Stock”

Kosko’s Fuzzy Thinking

Just finished Bart Kosko – Fuzzy Thinking (1993)Excellent read, though Kosko does not seem to find favour with later non-classical logicians – many notes recorded (see bibliography). Focussed on machine AI and control systems – but many analogous applications apparent. Some points that stick instantly …..(1) Reasons given for decisions / actions (eg to an … Continue reading “Kosko’s Fuzzy Thinking”