Brain / Mind as a Complex System

Brian Josephson presented this paper at this conference earlier this year [Abstracts]. Also this paper suggesting a model of the brain not as a computer so much as an object oriented programming architecture. (BTW great documemntation and bibliography / references links with the way these papers are presented on the web by “Cogprints“.)

Tucson 2004 – Science of Consciousness

How did I miss this ? The 2004 Science of Consciousness, Tucson conference at the University of Arizona is this coming week ! That’s what happens when you’re too busy with your day job. Pinker, Dennett and Blackmore as keynote speakers. (No Stapp or Josephson this year, which is a pity, but probably an indication … Continue reading “Tucson 2004 – Science of Consciousness”

The Tao of Physics

1976 book by Frijtof Capra (with 1992 updated afterword). Written slightly after, but published slightly before, Michael Talbot’s Mysticism and the New Physics (Blogged earlier and originally read even earlier.) Excellent books both of them. Capra is a best-seller which has a surprisingly detailed description of state-of-the-art particle physics, together with a summary of the … Continue reading “The Tao of Physics”

Re-reading Michael Talbot

Re-reading Michael Talbot – (Can’t believe it’s 3 weeks since I last posted – been so busy with the day job recently – anyway ….) I’ve re-read Michael Talbot’s “Mysticism and the New Physics” in the last few days – it’s only 130 pages plus afterwords. This was the first book I read that explicitly … Continue reading “Re-reading Michael Talbot”

My Brief History of Zen

My Brief History of Zen. It’s barely a year since I first even thought of reading ZMM – seems like a lifetime. Here is my first ever blogged reference, with no link to anything !!! My thought process in the preceeding weeks was chaos / catastrophe / fuzzy / uncertainty / quanta / quantum-computing / … Continue reading “My Brief History of Zen”

Does consciousness collapse the wave function ?

Does consciousness collapse the wave function ? Now this is far too close to mysticism (Gary ?) according to Dawkins anyway. But I’m not so sure. Elizabeth Hill, recorded in the same QM2003 proceedings cannot help also invoking Schroedinger [Quote] the major weak point of the arguement being the explanation as to why we have … Continue reading “Does consciousness collapse the wave function ?”

Quantum Information Processing – Again

No joy with finding Susan Blackmore’s Meme Machine last night so I guess I’ll have to order on-line. Did pick up Richard Dawkins (Blind Watchmaker) as well as Karl Popper (Life is all about solving problems), and some Richard Rorty by way of introduction. I can see why Dawkins is so loved by so many … Continue reading “Quantum Information Processing – Again”