Sin City and more in Perth

Saw Sin City (ex Local Pricks) in Perth’s Amplifier Bar on Saturday night. Too short a set, but as good as I remembered. Plenty of none-too-serious strutting, pouting stage-craft form Barbie (Tash) and heavy rock sound, but with catchy riffs and choruses. I remember now why Tommy’s drumming was so distinctive; twin pedals / hammers on the bass, both feet barefoot. (They slightly overdid the “it’s great to be back in WA” angle, but they and the audience were happy – that’s what counts.)

They were supported by Screwtop (Screwtop Detonators actually). Undistinguished but competent twin guitar rock; Once I’d observed to the two frontmen, one blond & shaggy the other dark & straight, had something of the boyish, comfortable tomfoolery of Rossi and Parfitt about them, I couldn’t stop thinking of them as a heavy version of the Quo. Harmless fun.

At Blue to the Bone beforehand I saw John Meyer again (but no Flick ?), and afterwards saw Lindsey Wells in a new light – his mannerisms of exaggerated accents, gestures and face-pulls, not to mention the flash behind the head and tooth picking on Hey Joe, still grate in a man “of his age”, but actually he’s makes a very good blues rock sound, much more subtly understated than his manner. Must watch him with my eyes closed next time.

Today, I went to the charity Sunday Lunch review by Rick Steele and his family at the Dianella, in aid of Amputees in Action. Musically a little too casual and un-rehearsed, a little more emotional than technical, but this was for the most part a family affair amongst 150 old family friends, so let’s cut ’em some slack. Sadly no Ryan Narkle with his Digeridoo, but good to see Rick with his Jess, Jake, Luke and Katy all playing & singing. Wayne Freer kept it all together on the bass. Luke led on Across the Universe (Harrison) and Starting Over (Lennon) and had technical difficulties getting his guitar amp going, so I’m not quite sure what to expect of his band Sleepy Jackson. Katy did four or five solo un-plugged versions of her own Little Birdy stuff. Great voice & sounds, if limited musically by the format. Be interesting to hear the arranged versions.

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