Dear Diary

Backlog of blogs to do …

Link Rot Extraordinaire – OK so Jorn has gone off-line seeking privacy, but what about all those links to material of interest. Blogs should certify their commitment to maintain their not for profit / hobby sites, and if circumstances mean this is no longer possible, advise all linkers and give them sufficient time to preserve off-line copies of linked material.

UK University Fees – Current debate is throwing up fairly obvious sponsorship opportunities. Institute of Physics is offerring prospective undergrads 1K, 2K or 3K contribution to their fees. Making the fees so visible makes the opportunity more real. Philosophy – for real life – Hmm ?

Typhoon – Doomed to be a plane for an outdated role, this project is years behind schedule and massively over budget. Generic (ie multi-role in military hardware terms) is surely the name of any large development project these days – even software 😉

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