His NIBBS – Dr Ian Pitchford runs the Human Nature Review and publishes this Daily Review of news in evolutionary psychology as “NIBBS“. [via Jean-Luc Delatre]. Recent editions include very positive reviews of Pinker’s “The Blank Slate”, Dennett’s “Freedom Evolves” and Jones’ “Y – The Descent of Men”. A positive gold mine of material.

Jean-Luc Delatre

Jean-Luc Delatre – Only just discovered this site, following some feedback from Jean-Luc. An interesting mix of Tao (Zen) thought with epistemology and ontologies. It seems Jean-Luc has been venting his frustration with the ontology approach at SUO / SUMO, where he has crossed swords with fellow conspirator at EPISTLE, Matthew West.

Keep it Snappy

Keep it Snappy – Why don’t people publishing RSS keep their output to headline and link url, rather than padding it with their entire posting content. Surely the point is to publish the link. That way aggregators contain dense summaries of many links rather than actual content of the most recent few.